Bariatric surgery has many health benefits–it’s true. However, when you are feeling good, it’s easy to slip out of the habit of taking the required nutrient supplements. DON’T DO IT! Your health is on the line, particularly bone health and brain health. Skip your calcium and you can bet on a future of brittle bones. Skip your other vitamins, and you will find that personality changes, brain fog, and dementia are on the way.
Supplements Don’t Have to Be Complicated
The American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) has studied decades of data on nutrient requirements for each type of bariatric surgery. They have published the official guidelines for the recommended nutritional supplements you should take. Some people think that gastric sleeve surgery is simpler, so it must be associated with less need for nutrient supplements. This is absolutely not the case.
When you choose a specially formulated bariatric vitamin that meets ASMBS guidelines, you’ll need fewer pills. The exact ASMBS supplementation guidelines for Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass and Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy are included in the downloadable resource below.