Why Are So Many Teen Athletes Struggling With Depression?
When high-school sports replicate the training methods and intensity seen at the college level, players feel the toll. Source: Why Are So Many Teen Athletes Struggling With Read more
Even a Little More Exercise Might Help Your Brain Stay Young
Alzheimer’s and dementia are not an inevitable part of normal aging, and a little exercise might help keep them at bay, a new study suggests. Source: Even a Little More Exercise Might Read more
Children who follow dietary, physical activity, sleep recommendations have fewer mental health visits
There is strong evidence linking lifestyle factors such as poor diet, sleep, and physical activity with chronic disease in children.  After adjusting for body weight and demographic Read more
As we confront mental health issues, addressing eating disorders is crucial
Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any psychological illness. Every 62 minutes, at least one person in the U.S. dies as a direct result of an eating disorder. Source: As we Read more
Can you eat your way to better mental health? Study says yes
It is well known that eating lots of fruit and vegetables is good for your physical health, but our latest research suggests that it might be good for your mental health too. Source:Can you eat your way to better mental health? Study says Read more
Body Positivity Basics in 5 days
Sign up below and I’ll send you 5 emails in 5 days, covering these five elements: Body positivity Intuitive eating Health at Every Size Beauty standards Body diversity BODY Visit Positively Virtual
How Inactivity and Junk Food Can Harm Your Brain
If you're in your 50s and your day involves lounging on the sofa and late-night snacks, the toll on your mind might be greater than you Visit Healthday
Mood-boosting foods to beat the blues
When you’re feeling dejected, do you reach for the nearest snack and eat until you’re Vist MDLinx
People with depression are less likely to have certain gut bacteria
People who lack certain bacteria are more likely to have depression, according to the largest study yet to find a link between the microbiome and mental health. Source: People with Read more
A diet rich in fiber and vegetables can relieve depression
Until now, the evidence that a healthful diet can ease depression has been inconclusive. But a new review provides a more definitive answer. Source: A diet rich in fiber and vegetables can Read more
The secret to a long, happy, healthy life? Think age-positive
We’ve long been told to respect our elders. But now there is scientific evidence that respect can potentially save lives among the elderly and keep them both physically and mentally healthy. Source:The secret to a long, happy, healthy life? Think Read more
Just 6 months of walking may reverse cognitive decline, study says
Worried about your aging brain? Getting your heart pumping with something as simple as walking or cycling just three times a week seems to improve thinking skills, new research says. Add a heart-healthy diet, and you maximize the benefits, possibly shaving years off your brain’s functional age, according to the study published Wednesday in the journal Neurology.... Read more Read more
5 ways to avoid the modern stress epidemic
ARE you stressed? If so, you’re in good company. It’s been argued we are in the grip of a stress epidemic – one recent study suggested four out of five adults were stressed during a typical week, while almost one in 10 were stressed all the time. Source: How to beat the stress Read more
Why Weight Stigma is a Public Health Issue
There's more to weight stigma than just the emotional consequences. Read more
Binaural beats therapy: Benefits and how they work
Binaural beats therapy is a self-help method of treating conditions like anxiety. It is thought that listening to different beats in each ear can increase arousal or concentration. Studies Read more
How Depression Affects Heart Health • CMHC PULSE
Two new studies highlight the negative impact of depression on the health outcomes and health-related quality of life of people with cardiovascular disease, while new research has found Read more
Dark Chocolate May Boost Brain Function, Immunity, And Mood
Two small studies may provide more evidence for dark chocolate’s health benefits. And at reasonable doses. Source: Dark Chocolate May Boost Brain Function, Immunity, And Read more